How To Choose and Seamlessly Implement New Software at Your Properties

Waheed RasheedMailroom Software, Multifamily Property ManagementLeave a Comment

Software can help property managers and staff save time on tedious tasks like collecting rent, scheduling maintenance requests, and managing package deliveries. But without mindful implementation, new technology won’t reach its full time and money-saving potential. Keep these things in mind as you shop for software and roll it out to your staff. Seek software with a smooth user experience … Read More

Why Choose Smiota Package Management System?

Waheed RasheedInstallations, Mailroom Software, Multifamily Property Management, Package Management Systems, Student Housing ManagementLeave a Comment

Smiota's Package Management Solution

So, you’ve decided to automate the package management process at your building. Excellent decision — your staff and your residents will thank you for it! Package management systems are relatively new, so there aren’t a large number of options, but there are a few. Here, we identify some of the features (and red flags) to look for when assessing package … Read More

Package Management Systems: Hassle-Free Package Delivery for Multifamily Buildings, Student Residences, and More

Waheed RasheedMailroom Software, Multifamily Property Management, Package Management SystemsLeave a Comment

Refrigerated locker

Do any of these sound familiar? These are common occurrences anywhere many people receive packages — multifamily buildings, student residences, and so on. And they’re likely to become even more prevalent as the online shopping craze continues to grow. A package management system can help building managers handle deliveries accurately and efficiently while taking the burden off of their front … Read More